Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where did Time Go

I looked at the calender and couldn't believe it is Sunday! I have been working hard on Cat in the Window trying to find information on Boyds and Deadman Creek. Gale found a book at the K.F. Historical Center that had a little so I have had to run with it.
Gale on the other hand has been moaning about having to kill off one of his characters. He doesn't really want to but the story just kind of headed that way. Now he's trying to figure out a way to save him. You would think it was a real person the way he was moping around for the last couple days.
Sure has been pretty weather around here for this time of year.
Gypsy got into the burn pile yesterday and came in wearing a terrible stink. Good thing she has an appointment with her hairdresser on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you guys have a blog!! I'd love to help you out with Deadman Crick history, but I think you likely know more than I. Still, if I can help... I'd be happy to. Looks like you're both becoming prolific authors!! I know I'll enjoy whatever you write, especially if it has a bit of Crick in it.
    Good luck!
    I'm looking forward to seeing pictures. Posting pictures is pretty easy. Has to be if I figured it out!
    See you up on the Crick!
