Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Curse of Computers and Other News

Yesterday, I finished all the illustrations but now have to figure out how to get them into the manuscript on the computer. After successfully importing a drawing to my computer then sending it to a file where I could cut and paste it into  Saving Terrene Glebe, I have been unable to duplicate the process.  In fact, even my camera is rebelling. It will take a photo on all settings except 'auto'.
Gale is not feeling super. That awful cold I fought for about three weeks is getting the upper hand on him. His shoulder still gives him fits, too, although it seems to feel better right after a physical therapy session. They are doing some electrical impulse thing rather than exercises.
Both of us are struggling with our writing. Gale hits a wall every other day while I have been dead in the water for over a week...mostly because of being preoccupied with getting Saving Terrene Glebe ready for publication.
We have signed the papers to purchase 20 acres down in the valley overlooking Lake Roosevelt! Our house is back on the market and as soon as it sells we will build down there.
There were 7 mule deer in the meadow this morning. It's so nice to see wildlife coming around again.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Pits

Gale is coming down with a cold while mine keeps hanging on. Physical therapy is helping his shoulder so that's a plus.
I spent most of today trying to figure out why my computer won't continue numbering pages beyond 45. I've tried everything, gone to the on-line help desk and called everyone I know and still don't have a solution and that's the pits.
On a happy note, Cleo has learned to come back to bed after she gets up in the morning (if it's before six.)and the snow is melting faster and faster. Gypsy and Cleo sure enjoy chasing each other around the yard now that most of the grass is exposed. Although Gypsy does love the snow and will seek out a patch to rub her face in.
Oh, and I rode my bicycle today for the first time in ages! 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

While serving on jury duty, I met a very nice lady. She and her husband invited us to their place on the Kettle River yesterday for a yummy dinner. Sue raises sheep, and a couple llamas, that she sheers then weaves the wool into yarn.Fascinating process!
It was rather humbling to visit with these two extremely intelligent people! They're both chemists of one sort or another besides having other degrees and talents like building their own home.
The also have a beautiful dog named Max that is the absolute image of the dog in my new story! What a shock to see a character come to life! He's supposed to be part Irish Setter and Husky but that's up for debate.
Today, I put 'Ghost Dance' on Craigs list. We'll see what happens with that.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just Ducky

A pair of Mallard ducks have returned to our pond for the fourth year in a row! They sure have a battle ahead of them with all the predators lurking in the woods.  We tried raising a couple domestic ducks a few years ago...Aff and Lack...but unfortunately, one day after they got big and started spending more time on the pond, all we could find was a few feathers. The chickens...Elvis and Priscilla... had a better survival rate...after a night hawk or owl tried to make off with one, we found them a safer home. Of course, Elvis probably wound up in the new owners soup kettle unless they truly enjoyed his early morning serenades. He was a handsome rooster.
We watched a coyote stroll across the meadow this morning. I don't care what anyone says, they are lovely creatures.
A couple days ago there was a passel of turkeys in our yard...so many we couldn't count them. They sure are destructive buggers.
Did I mention the two bobcats we say a while back? One was in the meadow and the other next to our garden fence, both on the same day.
Unless Gypsy and Cleo happen to be looking out the window, they remain pretty oblivious of what critter is passing through.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stumped Cat

Gypsy was on my lap this morning even though she must weigh a ton, looked out the window then suddenly went berserk. She jumped down, ran to the window and yapped like there was no tomorrow. Cleo ran in circles while adding her shrill little voice to the ruckus. Gale and I looked out to see what had them so excited and saw a black cat sitting in the brush on the bank by our driveway.
I opened the door and told Gypsy to 'go get it'! Cleo led the charge. Gale and I watched, thinking the cat would run off but it didn't budge. It isn't that we hate cats but the ones that come around want to pick a fight with Torpedo and he usually comes out on the short end. After watching for a couple minutes, I decided to chase it away myself.
Imagine my chagrin to find the black cat was actually a black stump!
Darn dogs should have known better.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More Good News

Gale reminded me that he has seen a pair of Mallard duck on our pond several times. Today we saw our first Robin! This is the earliest they have come back. Spring has truly arrived even though there are still patches of snow...it's melting fast!
It was fun to see Gypsy and Cleo today,running and cavorting on what lawn is exposed. They have had cabin fever but until the last couple days, the road has been too muddy to take them for a walk. We did a while back and both of them came back a real mess.
I've had to re-write half my new story...that's the way it goes sometimes.  Gale is making good progress with The Amulet, especially since he directed the story away from the Sematuse.

Feeling Miserable

I haven't wanted to complain but the last few days have really been a bummer. A sinus infection turned into a nasty cold even though I was taking antibiotics for the infection. My throat has been too sore to swallow and my voice dropped about three octaves! Last night was the worst...congestion, caoughing and headache contributing to the mix plus this drumming in my ear that gets worse during stressful times. Waaaah. Don't I sound like a baby?! The good news is, I feel measurably better today! The sun is shinning and Cleo let me sleep in a half-hour this morning.
Gale is still going to physical therapy for his shoulder. It gets pretty sore for a day or so after but hopefully is doing some good.
I sent a copy of 'Ghost Dance' off to Michael Bowen with the Inlander per their request. It would be great if he writes a review for it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little Wrestlers

We watched our seven year old granddaughter wrestle again yesterday. Since there aren't many girls involved in that sport, she is paired with boys and although she puts up a good fight, she has not won a match yet. (This is her first year) Our step-grandson, who is 11 and very small for his age, has won several bouts. I was amazed they start those kids at 5 years old but its fun to watch those little guys go through all their moves.
All the new snow we got has melted...thank goodness...and we have sunshine today which should send even more down the creek. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Watching Animal Planet

Today Cleo was sitting in the front room watching animal planet when all of a sudden she started barking and bouncing around like someone was trying to invade our house. Naturally, Gypsy had to chime in. I told them to go outside but Gypsy acted confused about what Cleo was so excited about and kept looking out the window while Cleo danced around in the living room. Finally I went to see what was on TV. Cleo confirmed that is was the lions on the screen that had her all worked up.
She was so funny because she would crab walk closer to the television set, bark and run. She took up a safe position on an arm of the couch and watched for a while but decided it was her duty to chase those big cats out of the house and did her best to frighten them with her shrill little voice.
Ultimately, I had to lure her into our office to distract her until the program was over.
Who says dogs don't watch TV?

Winter Again

 It looks like we set out our deck furniture a little too soon. We woke up to nearly 3 inches of new snow this morning! Hopefully, the rain will melt it quickly.
I have finished Saving Terrene Glebe and we are now discussing the publishing aspect but will need to figure out how to number the pages first. For some reason, my computer won't go beyond 55 or 56! I have tried everything but to no avail. It's pretty frustrating to tell a machine to do something and have it refuse. How do you reprimand a computer?
Gale is going to physical therapy for his shoulder. Sure hope it gets better.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Conclusion of Duty

Yesterday was the final day of jury duty for me. Although it was concerning a dreadful accident, I met a couple very nice ladies that will hopefully become good friends. I won't miss the long drive over the pass through the snow!
It's time get back to writing now but after discussing the plot of my new story with Gale, it appears there are a lot of changes to be made in what has already been written. Phooey. He had the pleasure of reminding me of some advice I gave him some time ago. In my story, there was a considerable amount of time that is necessary to to have pass and I was stumped about what to write for that period and keep it interesting. He laughed at me and subsequently so did I when he said, "You don't have to write about it just say the time passed!" Boy, that was simple! He also advised me to drop the title until the story is finished...so The Cat in the Window is no more. For now it will be called my new story.
A Chinese Crested won the world's ugliest dog contest...again. My Cleo is NOT ugly...she is simply adorable contrary to what Gale insists. I think he has no appreciation of the slightly unusual.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Jury Duty

Holy cow! I haven't had time to pet my dogs since we got back from Boise! They're letting me know about it, too! It is good to be missed, though. The worst of it is that I bought some new dog food for them and they don't like it even a little and I have promised them I would go back to the kind they like but haven't had a chance to get to the store! Why?
JURY DUTY! That means traveling to Republic...102 miles round trip...leaving home around 7:30am and returning anywhere from 6 to 7 pm. The jury is off now until Monday but Gale had an appointment in Spokane today and we have only one vehicle so it won't be until tomorrow that I get a chance to shop for my pets! Even then Saturday is packed.
Two of our grandkids have wrestling matches in Chewelah at 10:00a.m. and we are guest speakers for a library fundraiser in Colville at 2:30 p.m. We'll get 'er done though and Gypsy and Cleo will eat good tomorrow evening...poor babies.
As far as writing, Gale continues to fuss about being stuck on the sequel. He doesn't lack for words, just content. You can only ramble for so long and pretty soon even the computer starts throwing things at you.
My writing has been on hold for two weeks, now. Before I can get re-started, there is more research to be done.  Ahh the life of an author!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Forgot the Fox

This is getting to be a habit...forgetting. While having dinner at the Shore Lodge in Boise, we looked out the window at the ice and snow covered lake and saw a FOX walk by  right below our window. I'm talking about the four legged kind.

Been Gone

We just returned from a trip to Boise to see our baby granddaughter. She is nine months old and so cute, of course.
In McCall, we stayed at the Shore Lodge for our 28th anniversary. Beautiful accommodations but the food isn't great and they don't allow pets. I had made reservations for Gypsy and Cleo with McCall Pet Services but when we got there they were not only closed they were out of business! Boy did we hustle to find a room for them. Donelly Vet and Pet Boarding, 11 miles from McCall, stayed open after hours for us to get there.
It was a little chilly in Boise so it was a little hard on Cleo..and me because I sat outside with her so she could get a little exercise and potty. On the other hand, we went on a little drive with Grant and Michelle and stopped at a taco stand. There was a little snow there and Gypsy LAID in it! She loves the cold. Poor little Cleo sat on my lap and shivered. That little stand served some tasty burritos, too.
On the way home, we stopped in Lewiston for gasoline and it was 65 degrees! It felt like summer!
Our snow has melted considerably since we left last week but still has a ways to go before it's all gone.